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Friday, March 25, 2011

Day off & Tsunami

Friday March 11th

Thank goodness I set my alarm for 9.50am or I don’t think I would have woken up before noon! What a Glorious sleep in!! My first in several weeks and man, it’s so nice to wake up and not feel exhausted! I gave the cat a cuddle and then rolled out of bed.

First things first. Kettle on. Take down the shower curtains and gather up the bath mats to put in the washing machine. Then, attempt #4 to try to prise apart the bottom bit of the blender- to no avail! Weigh and measure the ingredients for my shake. Get out the silver milkshake cup from the freezer. Blend and pour. Grab my college stuff off the kitchen table. Set up the DVD player and kick back on the lounge to watch the recording of last week’s role play.

It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was going to be to watch it. I offered up a silent prayer of gratitude for the skills I learned during my Platforms & Presentation Skills Intensive course through the Christopher Howard Training Companies. I shudder to think what mannerisms would have shone through without it! I didn’t fidget (that’s a miracle in itself!), but I did feel as though I was leaning a bit too far forward in my attempt to be attentive! I also felt that I spoke quietly and sometimes too quickly. On one occasion, I had to rewind the DVD and play it again to catch what I’d said.

Other than those few minor things, I think I did a pretty fabulous job!! It’s funny-when I was actually doing the role play, it didn’t seem too challenging, but watching the DVD, I had a much different perspective. My ‘client’ did a fantastic job of remaining in character all the way through and I think that I handled it in the DVD much better than I would have if I had been with that same client today!

Once through was enough for me. I filled up a water bottle and decided to duck out for a bit of retail therapy. BigW is the closest thing to Wal-Mart in Australia and I was hoping to find another workout bra. Luck was with me! I picked up a couple of Disney movies as well. I couldn’t pass up the 2 for 1 special! So, Pinocchio and The Princess & the Frog have now officially been added to our Disney collection.

Then, it was time to head back home for the 2nd viewing! As I was watching it, I downloaded a few updates for my Mac notebook and the latest operating system update for my iPhone. Sigh. That was my first mistake! The update didn’t go smoothly and I spent a great deal of time restoring my iPhone and then re-organising all of my applications! Extremely frustrating! So much so, that I figured it was time to get rid of some the of pent up energy and hit the treadmill!

Hung the laundry on the line. Donned my workout gear, strapped on my iPod armband, set up the fan, did a couple of stretches and jumped on! 32 minutes: Program 8 Level 7. Hot and sweaty, but a satisfyingly 3.5 kms later, I switched off the treadmill and started my warm down stretches. Just in time too, cuz G walked in as I finished my last stretch. I ran a bath and left her to do her own run.

Chicken and veggies for dinner. Then we watched a couple of TV programs that we had recorded earlier in the week. I jumped online to fill out my food diary and noticed a Tsunami warning on the Google home page. We flicked over to the news, only to discover the massive earthquake in Japan.  My heart goes out to all affected.

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