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Monday, November 15, 2010

Overhead Squat Assessment

Hmmm...found it hard to get out of bed this morning. Still recovering from the weekend's festivities and lack of sleep.  Sunday was very humid which made sleeping last night very tricky. Hot and then cold. Perhaps that's another reason I'm feeling so tired today.

I don't know if my metabolism is starting to get the hang of things or if today was just an unusual day. I actually managed to eat: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner! Amazing!! You would think that an over-weight person eats large portions at regular intervals. That might be true of some, but not me. I'm finding it very challenging to eat every 3-4 hrs.

Since we didn't get around to it on Friday, V suggested that we do the overhead squat assessment tonight. I think if I had known what it meant, I might have been a bit more prepared-and a bit more anxious. Essentially it involves raising my hands above my heads and doing squats until my muscles fatigue. Not my idea of a good time! Picture this: me in a long-sleeved button up work shirt, work pants rolled up above my knees, tacky socks and more humidity than a prairie girl can handle. Not ideal!

On the plus side, an overhead squat assessment is extremely good at pointing out where things are going wrong. It will give V & J a much better idea of how to tailor the workout to suit my individual needs.

Tonight, G and I did the bicep circuit, followed by a new series of stretches that V organised for me. OMG. I'm sure they will become faster and easier as I get more practised at them, but man, they sure took a long time tonight! Now I need to find an extra 40 mins in the morning in order to tack the stretches onto the end of my circuit routine.  I think sleep is going to have to take a backseat for a while...sigh.

Well, on that note, I should prolly drag these tired bones to bed.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Weekend off

Been a few days since I've touched base. Thursday was a really hard day for me. Thank god I've got an awesome support team, otherwise, I think it could have ended badly: a bottle of coke, a chocolate bar and perhaps some pizza shapes. With their help and my perseverance, disaster was averted. It did take it's toll, however.

Friday I was consumed by anxiety; it was the day of my first personal training session with V.  Dunno why I was so worried. True to form, she picked up on my emotional state and spent some time helping me work through what I was feeling. Then she showed me some new exercises to take the strain off my right knee. Don't make the assumption that they're easy-cuz they're not! But, at least they don't hurt as much!

Saturday was my 'day off'- diet-wise! G went for a run and I did my bicep circuit. Then, we met a close friend for brunch and I allowed myself the luxury of 2 pieces of thick cut white toast (no butter). WOW! The day of treating myself continued. We went out to celebrate another friends birthday. Although I'm not much of a drinker, I had 1 glass of sparkling white wine and 1 glass of vodka with lemon, lime & bitters. When I mentioned to V that I might be going out and that it was possible that I might have a drink or 2, she told me increase my protein intake on Sunday, work out and avoid carbs like breads, starches, rice, etc and increase my intake of veggies. Sounded easy enough.  I watched what I ate at dinner, had my 2 drinks over the course of 6hrs and enjoyed a guilt-free night on the town! Fabulous!

This journey really is about learning how to do things in moderation. I like that. It takes the pressure off.