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Saturday, April 23, 2011


Saturday April 9th
Up at 7.20am. Need to shower and have breakfast before heading off to college. G is going to drive me again so that I don’t have to worry about parking on a Saturday. Having to feed the meters every 3 hrs is very inconvenient!

It’s a lovely day. Almost seems a pity to be inside pouring over books when we could be outside enjoying the sunshine! But, we’ve all made college a priority, so here we are.

We broke into groups of 2 to chat about how the past four weeks have been. Most of my classmates gave up something- like chocolate or wine, but I added meditation. Or, perhaps you could say that I ‘gave up my resistance’ to meditation. It was interesting to share my experiences with another person and to hear how things had been for them too.

There was a lot of class discussion. We went through the rest of our handout and notes. D had video that she wanted us to watch. The quality wasn’t fantastic- it really was a video and not a DVD, but it sure had an impact. It was a docu-drama about alcoholism. The information surprised some of the class. We weren’t aware that brain damage occurs before liver damage. The mood after the video was a little bit sombre.

The day had gotten away from us and by the time the video was over, it was almost 4pm. We hadn’t even had any time to work together as a group. My group hung back and went through the things we needed to bring for our presentation tomorrow.

G was waiting for me outside in the car. We headed off to Woolworths to pick up some groceries. Gabe whipped up a chicken stirfry and I sat down at the coffee table to work on my Addictions Journal. It took me ages to finish it, but it felt good when I finally put down my pen.

I spent a bit of time doing some quick research online for my presentation –just to get things straight in my mind. It didn’t feel like our presentation was coming together very well and I wanted to be sure that I could answer questions if the class had any for us.

Then, it was time for bed.

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