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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Free to Relax

Sunday April 10th
Up at 7.20am to shower and get ready for college. I’ve packed a suit jacket and a tie for our presentation, a newspaper, some glossy magazines and my laptop. I even downloaded the video to go along with the song that we’re using. I’m nervous. I know I can pull off the ‘acting’ bit, but I remain unconvinced about the rest of the presentation.

It’s free parking on Sundays so I can drive myself to college. The bridge is closed until lunchtime due to an athletic event that was happening in the city. It just meant that I would need to take the Gladesville bridge instead.

D gave us an hour and a half to work on our presentations. We worked through lunch so it was good that I had a soy dandy latte and a piece of chocolate pecan tart for morning tea. We ran through the presentation a few times, organised our handouts and stapled them together. Our group was picked to perform 2nd.

I thoroughly enjoyed today’s role plays- ours and everyone else’s! Everyone had put a lot of thought and effort into their presentations. I’m pleased that it went well. It really came together in the end.

We had an early mark. Tonight my plan is to just relax- no blogging, no journaling, no researching, just me and G hanging out together on the lounge. I can’t wait!

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