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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Easter & Happy Birthday

 Sunday April 24th  Happy Easter

A glorious sleep-in. A perfect way to start Easter Sunday. We have chocolate bunnies to eat, but today we’re off to celebrate L’s 5th birthday. It will seem a little weird without S –cuz I know she would have loved to have spent the day celebrating with L.

They had all sorts of goodies, but my favourite were the tiny teddy race car treats. Components: mini-milky way chocolate bars, tiny teddy biscuits, Smarties, fruit tingles and a tiny dab of icing. Construction: 1 milky way, 2 Smartie wheels stuck on with icing, half a fruit tingle as a steering wheel and a tiny teddy driver. Delightful!

Roast lamb and veggies for lunch.  A chocolate race car track Birthday cake, complete with licorice bullets (milk chocolate covered cylinder-shaped licorice pieces-YUM) along the edge. I had my fair share of them! I love licorice bullets. Then S opened the raspberry licorice bullets and I got into them as well. Prolly not my finest dieting hour.

Cheese platter with biscuits for a mid afternoon snack. A bit of friendly dancing competition with Just Dance on the Wii.  Good conversation and lots of laughs. Soon, the grand-parents called it a day, and it was just the 5 of us.

We settled on Eagle Boy pizza for dinner. S and I headed out to collect the food and she gave me a quick tour of the area. She showed me L’s school and where he takes swimming lessons. St. Mary’s is bigger than I thought.

Too much pizza later, G and I headed home.

1 comment:

  1. hi Jeannine,

    its great to be reading another kind of blog. Good on you for setting it up and I am looking forward to future posts. You have a fantastic style of writing, I am jealous :) :)

    Just to let you know that I am having a giveaway on my blog and I know how much of a reader you are. Maybe you could recommend a good book, all the details are here

    lets catch up soon
