Feeling a bit discouraged today. Still following my eating plan. Even ate breakfast BEFORE noon! For me, that's a win. In fact, I'm loving my breakfast--Jalna yogurt and Carman's Muesli. Wish all my meals were that yummy! Had a tuna sandwich today for lunch...and man I really had to struggle to get it down. I'm not a big fish fan at the best of times, so tuna for lunch for the past week is about all I can manage! I'm gonna have to get creative about lunches-otherwise, the local KFC will sing the siren song that runs this ship aground upon a coral reef.... a coral reef of soft drink, hot chips, gravy and chicken. Sigh...how do I steer a course through these perilous waters?
Brings me back to where I started. Discouraged. Jumped on the Wii Fit last night after my 'tricept' circuit. Prolly not the best move. It started by telling me it had been 177 days since I last used it. Nice. Then, I went thru the tests. My Wii Fit age: 24. So far so good. Then-my Wii Fit weight: 1 kg lighter than I was in February. February!! For the love of Gawd!! I'd been eating KFC, Thai, lollies, glorious white bread (with butter!), drinking iced tea, Coke, etc. I'd even been home to Canada where the soft drinks are bottomless and the lollies are linked to my fondest childhood memories. How is it possible that I can only weigh 1 kg LESS after 3 weeks of watching what I eat and 2 wks of exercise? It doesn't seem fair.
I guess the what I am most grateful for is my support team. They give me the motivation to keep going, even when I think that packing it all in and heading to KFC is the easiest option. I've got a wonderfully supportive partner, some amazing friends at work and, of course, my Sacred Centre team. V -you rock!
G & I did both circuits tonight. Gruelling. And the tuna sandwich was NOT helping my cause. Both J & V promised that I wouldn't have to exercise til I puked, but I must admit, it was a close call tonight. Determination and having an exercise buddy got me through. Maybe that's all it takes?
Time to take this aching knee to bed. Nite all!
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